Thursday, September 02, 2004


Well, I'm back from my latest grand adventure.

Actually, I've been back for a while now, but I haven't had the time or energy to post. I guess strictly speaking there have been times over the past few days when I had the energy but not the time, others where I had the time but not the energy, and still others when I had neither the energy nor the time. But alas, until now, both of these spheres crucial for successful blogging failed to converge during a single point in time.

Anyhow, my trip up to Minnesota went well. I had smooth sailing on both the drive up and the drive back (for the record, my car rocks. It may be old and a bit creaky, but it has it where it counts. This makes two roadtrips in the past month, both over 700 miles round trip, and no problems on either one. This car has definitely been a blessing).

I had great time with family. I particularly enjoyed reconnecting with my older sister (whom I hadn't seen for over five years -- but seriously folks, London is a long ways away) and meeting her four year old daughter for the first time. I also got some time with a random assortment of other uncles, aunts and cousins. We spent most of the time in the town of my birth, Mankato. We moved away when I was 6, and I haven't been back for a real visit since 1992, so it was fun but also weird to see places that I remembered as a kid like our old house and the park we used to spend time playing in.

Three days goes by pretty fast, so before I knew it, we were saying our goodbyes and I was headed back to Lincoln. Since then I've been trying to get caught up on life. I've been gone so much and been in so many places - each a different world unto itself - that I'll be glad to spend a quiet weekend here in town. I've travelled enough for a good long time. I'm ready for normal life for a while, whatever that means.


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