Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Landed Gentry

Guess what?

For those of you that have not heard yet, it looks like I will be closing on a new condo here in Moorhead this Friday. Its a nice little two level place in a small building (8 units) about 1 mile from campus. I got it for a pretty fair price, and although I am not excited about physically moving all of my worldly possessions again, I am excited at the prospect of leaving the world of renting and joining the ranks of those who are in the process of paying for their own real estate.

Classes start on August 27th, and our department is also in the process of moving back into out newly renovated building on campus, so I'll have quite a lot of new scenery this Fall. I'm also hoping to put the finishing touches on an article that I'll be submitting to a peer reviewed journal before the start of classes, so it will be a busy couple of weeks.

I'll try to take the time to post some photos of the new place when I have a spare moment.


At 8:02 PM, Blogger harmanjd said...

Congratulations Justin! I hope you opted for a good mortgage (fixed rate being the key indicator) and you enjoy the new digs. 1 mile from campus is in that rather awkward zone for walking in the winter. A little far to walk in 20 below, but the drive doesn't really warm up the car because it is so close.

May god bless and protect you in your new home.


At 8:03 PM, Blogger harmanjd said...

Oh and the most important question - does it have a garage?


At 10:26 PM, Blogger Justin said...

Garage: yes

Garage opener: no, or perhaps I should say, not yet.

At 9:18 PM, Blogger the jake said...

Congrats on the new place. I might have to come check the place out sometime.

At 11:05 PM, Blogger Justin said...

You'd be welcome any time Jakey. Just let me know...


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