Thursday, June 16, 2005

N-S-E -- As easy as 1-2-3

Hi folks.

Since is seems that a few of you still check out this site, I'm going to keep rambling on a bit at least every week or two (at least while I am not travelling).

I'm back from my trip to the northwest now - actually I have been back for a good week and a half. I just didn't get around to posting until now. I always find it difficult to get back into the flow of "normal" life after I've been travelling. Maybe its just me. I really enjoyed my time with family. I only get to see them twice a year, so I try to make the most of it.

I spent Memorial Day weekend in Seattle with my brother and his family. They bought a new house this Spring, and needed to put up a fence around it so that his 3 year old son and not quite 1 year old daughter can play in the yard more safely (there is a semi-busy street adjacent to their lot). We spent the better part of 3 days working on it. Putting up fence is hard work. It was a nice change of pace from sitting inside doing math, but I got a BAD sunburn, my lily white ivory tower academian hands took a beating, and my muscles got a better workout that they have had in quite some time. Although work took up most of my time in Seattle, it was still a nice visit. In a way, the work made it more memorable. Now every time I visit, the fence will be there as a testament to that weekend of work together.

I also had some good times with the rest of my family down in the Portland/Vancouver area. That part of the trip was a bit quieter, which was good as I needed a restful time - as much from the past semester as from the fence building. I got to celebrate my sister's birthday with her on June 2nd - which almost never happens, and I got some quality time with family and some old friends too. I also got to do some major reading, which I always make a point of doing when I travel. I got through 4 and a half books during my trip. I'll fill you in on some of them when I get the chance.

So, now I'm back in Lincoln trying to get some research done and working my summer job with the math department. My advisors are going to be out of town for a few weeks, so I'll have to show some self-discipline. My job this summer is the same as last summer - working at new student enrollment helping freshmen and transfer students get signed up for math classes and recruiting to the special 1st year Calculus program. I've already recruited 20 students. I hope to get about 20 more by the end - July 8th.

Well, I've rambled enough for now. More later...


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