Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Happy Groundhog Day!

Hiya All.

I thought I'd take a moment to recognize one of the least appreciated holidays of the year. This is probably because it is based around the concept that a ground rodent residing in a small rural town in Pennsylvania somehow possesses preternatural abilities pertaining to prognosticating the nascence of the vernal season, which we all know is utter hooey.

Despite the fact that I am not a fan of the holiday, I am a big fan of the movie of the same name (starring Bill Murray). So much so, that I list it among my classic comedic favorites, (alongside Better Off Dead, and Some Like it Hot) and I try to watch it once a year around the time of the actual day.

That being said, I'm thinking of arranging a viewing this weekend, so if you are out here in Lincoln land and want to join in the festivities, give me a ring and I'll get you the details.

I'd also like to give you all a chance to chime in on the movie -- in a way appropriate to the season. So the question is whether watching Groundhog Day the movie equates to the coming of an early spring, or to six weeks of bitter winter.


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